Women in Tech – Red Ant leads the way
There’s a gender diversity crisis in tech – PwC has studied it, the FT and Forbes among others have written about it. Not at Red Ant - find out how women lead the way across the board.
Pay data experts Emolument did some research among 11,500 tech professionals and discovered that on average, 30% of tech jobs are currently held by women, with female employees paid 19-28% less than men.
Not at Red Ant:
- women make up 54% of the overall workforce, from board members to developer roles
- women make up 40% of the board
- women make up 65% of the director titles
- women make up 40% of the delivery team
- no pay gap
- flexible working, including working from home, makes it easy to fit work around life
- no age discrimination – school leavers up to 50+
- we actively recruit returners to work and career changers
- personal development and healthy work/life balance built in to policy
Leading women at Red Ant will be telling their stories about building, developing and running a successful business in a challenging, male-dominated industry – look out for them from next week.
Red Ant, 12th November 2018